
Regarding disclaimers

For the convenience of our users, we make no guarantees about the reliability or authenticity of the contents, security, or personal data collection methods of third party websites linked on this site. Akune City bears no responsibility for any damages suffered as a result of using any such sites.
Additionally, Akune City bears no responsibility for any type of actions taken by users based on information found on our site, excluding cases in which responsibility should be attributed to the city.
With respect to copyrights for information provided by our site (including written and video materials as well as their contents), as a general rule the rights belong to Akune City. Excluding cases of "reproduction for private use" or "quotation" that are acknowledged in copyright law, users may not reproduce or appropriate the materials on this site without permission.
Regarding links
As a general rule, linking to the Akune City Sightseeing Site is done at your own discretion. If you do link to us, we ask that you clearly state the purpose of the Akune City Sightseeing Site.
Also, if you link to us, we ask that you provide the URL of the page containing the link to kanko@city.akune.kagoshima.jp. In the event that the source website's contents violate the law and/or public order and standards of decency, we may have to respectfully decline your link.

Link Banner Setup

To link to our site, copy and paste the HTML tags within the frame for each banner, then please link them on your site in the place where you would like to display them.

  • *If you have questions or wishes regarding banner size etc., please consult with the Akune City Commerce and Tourism Department.
  • *Text-only links are fine as well. If you make a text-only link, we request that you use the site name "Akune City Sightseeing Site Akune Umaine Shizendane" in the link.






Akune City Hall Commerce and Tourism Division
200 Tsurumicho, Akune, Kagoshima Prefecture 899-1626, Japan
Phone (direct):0996-73-1114
Phone (direct):0996-72-3646