Renowned as a sudden tide is Uzushiogami, in Kuronoseto, which is also one of Japan's three major Kyushio, is a strai...
Banshogaoka Park
Akune located in the southwest about 1km of the hills of the city hall, city and Koshikijima, is a place blessed with...
Wakimoto beach
About 3km followed the white sands of shallow. Nearby House of the sea, you can also enjoy such as the outdoor and su...
Akune Oshima
Akune about 10 minutes by boat from Xingang ferry, is an island covered in beautiful pine forest around the 4km float...
Akune-cho Station (tourist office)
Information of Akune here. Omonekkun goods and special products also has been exhibited and sold.
Sunset Road
Akune Boardwalk in Xingang. You can enjoy the beautiful sunset over the far off the coast. Sea of Akune seen from S...
Bustle Exchange Center Akune Station
By cruise train "Seven Stars in Kyushu" and tourist train "orange cafeteria"; industrial designer Eiji Mitooka's desi...
Road Station Akune
Pleasant break spot is the smell of the sound of the waves and tide. There in Akune southern part of the national hig...
Ushinohama Beach
On the coast to mushrooming of rock formations odd reef facing the East China Sea, is a scenic spot overlooking the K...
Warabe workshop
In natural rich Akune-Nagashima land of, a distinctive vessel that warmth of mountain flavor-soil of comes through, w...